Mulethi or licorice powder is one of the most popular ingredients used in ayurveda to treat certain ailments. In India, it is a common ingredient found in every household and often given to someone to chew on if they have a sore throat or nasal congestion. This traditional herb is the answer to obesity, respiratory problems, gastric issues, skin infections, joint pain and more. In Ayurveda, this root powder is called Yashtimadhu, and it is derived from the stem of licorice. Slightly yellow in colour, with a strong odour, it is rich in calcium, glycyrrhizin acid, antioxidants, antibiotics and protein.

 Benefits of mulethi powder for the skin

 Prevents sun damage

Regular exposure to the sun can cause dark spots and age spots making you look older than your age. Applying licorice topically fades sun spots and leads to an even-looking skin tone. Licorice powder also contains UV blocking enzymes that protect skin and prevent sun damage.

Brightens skin

Hyperpigmentation is a common problem faced by many women, while there are many products in the market that claim to offer relief from it, a natural alternative is always better. Topical application of licorice powder to the affected area naturally treats hyperpigmentation, giving your skin a smooth and brighter look.

Fades scars

Scars caused by acne or injuries can take a long time to heal. Mulethi powder helps speed up the process by evening out skin tone and minimising the appearance of scars. Topical application of mulethi powder is recommended to those with scars.

Treats wrinkles

Environmental aggressors and stress lead to premature skin ageing. Even women in their early 20s have started noticing signs of ageing these days. The antioxidants in licorice powder block free radicals from harming the skin, thus protecting it from premature ageing. The UV-blocking enzymes ward off sun damage and protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun.


How to use mulethi powder for the skin


  • In a bowl, add two tablespoons of mulethi powder with one tablespoon of honey.
  • Mix well to make a thick paste, then add a teaspoon of lemon juice, combine the ingredients well.
  • If the paste is too thick, add a teaspoon of rose water.
  • Apply evenly on cleansed face and allow it to stay for 25 minutes, then wash off with cold water.
  • Repeat twice a week for best results.


Benefits of mulethi powder for the hair



Prevents hair fall

If you are facing hair fall issues and looking for a natural remedy, mulethi could be the answer. Licorice powder promotes blood circulation in the scalp and nourishes the roots by supplying vital nutrients to the hair follicles. This helps arrest hair fall as well as condition the hair, adding a healthy shine to it.

Cures dandruff

Dandruff can be quite bothersome, especially if it falls like flakes on your shoulders. This problem can be cured with the use of this Ayurvedic ingredient. The antibacterial properties in mulethi powder curbs dandruff and other scalp infections that cause itching on the scalp.

Promotes hair growth

If you feel like your hair growth has become stagnant, you are not alone. It could be a result of stress, poor hair care habits or an unhealthy diet. But if you can get your hands on mulethi powder, there’s no harm in using it to promote blood and oxygen supply to the hair, which helps promote hair growth.

Prevents premature greying

Ayurveda strongly suggests that consuming and applying mulethi powder to the hair can prevent premature greying. The wide range of antioxidants and nutrients in this natural ingredient will give you your best hair yet.

How to use mulethi powder for the hair

  • In a bowl, take a cup of curds, to this add five spoons of mulethi powder along with two spoons of olive oil.
  • Mix all the ingredients well and apply all over your hair and scalp, massage for a few minutes then let it stay for another 15-20 minutes.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water. 

Benefits of mulethi powder for the health


Combats bad breath

The antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of mulethi powder make it an excellent ingredient to reduce the growth of bacteria in the mouth that leads to bad breath and odour. Brushing teeth with mulethi powder prevents cavities and plaque, thereby keeping your gums and teeth healthy.

Boosts immunity

The anti-microbial properties of mulethi powder boost immunity and protect the body from several infections. Those who experience weakness and fatigue can increase their stamina and energy levels by consuming this natural ingredient. That’s not all, it also ensures smooth functioning of the liver, kidney and adrenal glands.

Hormone regulation

Since mulethi powder has positive effects on the adrenal glands, it is extremely beneficial in regulating hormones and easing problems associated with hormonal fluctuations such as hot flushes, mood swings, menstrual cramps and more. It is also recommended to new moms to increase the production of breast milk.

Aids in weight loss

Mulethi powder is rich in flavonoids, which helps in managing excessive body weight. Consuming this Ayurvedic ingredient satiates hunger and makes you feel fuller for a longer time due to the presence of fibre in it. This powder also prevents the accumulation of LDL or bad cholesterol, which improves metabolism and maintains a healthy weight.


How to use mulethi powder for health

  • Boil water in a large vessel, add one piece of mulethi root and one teaspoon of grated ginger to it.
  • Let it stay on the heat for about five minutes, add tea leaves and let simmer for another five minutes.
  • Pour honey or sugar, mix well and enjoy your cup of mulethi tea!
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